(954)755-6049 Bilingual Preschool 10601 Wiles Rd, Coral Springs, FL 33076, United States

PRESCHOLERS (Prek3- Prek4)


Our curriculum provides certain activities which facilitate the transition from one class to another, promoting self-sufficiency and following simple directions. It integrate early literacy, math, social studies, science, social – emotional development, creative arts, physical movement, health, and technology.

Students are encourage to express themselves throughout unstructured play (make believe, puppet show, dress- up) and structured play (table activities, direct activities with rules). Teachers help children to verbalize their needs.

Circle time is a daily start to the day. Daily arts projects are present (painting with brushes, sponges, and fingers) coloring, playdough, cutting, music and dancing.

We facilitate technology integration with individual and group educational lesson on computers (Starfall Curriculum).

Plenty fine motor skills and organizational experiences are included. We reinforce and promote work habits by doing homework, cleaning up, taking turns, listening when directions are given. We provide a lot of indoor and outdoor physical activities.

New information is presented in a logical and linear way. Therefore children move from simple concepts to advanced understanding where skills and concepts are reviewed, and expanded. The Curriculum we use promotes and develops phonological and phonemic awareness skills, concept of print, comprehension, and writing, laying in this way the foundation for long-term achievement.